About us

About Mozambique

Brief country introduction and basic statistical data

National Flag

National Emblem

Mr. José António Justino NHALUNGO, Chargé d´Affaires ad interim

Mr.Rafael Feliciano Da Florentina SITOE, Third Secretary

Embassy of the Republic of Mozambique in Tokyo

Location: 1-33-14 Sakura-shimmachi, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo 154-0015 JAPAN

Nearest train station:Sakura-shimmachi Station on Tokyu Den-en-toshi Line

The Embassy is located at about 7 minutes walk distance (about 500m) from the Sakura-shimmachi Staion.

Tel : +81-3-5760-6271/2,

Fax : +81-3-5760-6274

MAIL :moz.tokyo@embamoc.jp (For general inquiry)
moz.consular@embamoc.jp (For consular matter inquiry)”.

Embassy Holidays

January 01            New Year’s Day

February 03           Mozambican Heroes’ Day

April 07                 Mozambican Women’s Day

May 01                  Labor Day

June 25                Independence Day

September 07        Victory Day

September 25        Armed Forces Day

October 04            Peace and Reconciliation Day

December 25         Family Day

Please note that there are also Easter and Christmas Holidays

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